はいっ では改めてお花見始めましょう
改めて(あらためて)I keep hearing this word but I didn't understand it... until now. It basically means 'let's start once again' (because previously the event was interrupted.
トウモロコシ Believe it or not, this means corn 🌽. This is one of those words written in katakana not because it's a 外来語, but because the kanji is difficult: 玉蜀黍.
豪華(ごうか)na-adjective, means something like 'extravagant' or 'splendor'
並み(なみ)this means 'same level as', so the sentence above means something like 'just like a high-class restaurant!'
しみわたる(染み渡る)to penetrate, pervade, spread etc (note it's intransitive)
肉厚(にくあつ)thick, fleshy
甘ダレ(あまだれ)sweet sauce (don't know the English name ^^;)
あふれる(溢れる)to overflow (intransitive)
コゲ(焦げ)burnt; I guess ちょいコゲ means 'slightly burnt'
I don't know what's the きいてて in this sentence means ^^;
The obligatory 4-koma piece:
Damn I'm hungry... -.-"
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