Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Anime: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun [2]

As promised in the first post, I'm here to bring some words or terms that appear in the series. More will be coming later.

When Sakura confessed to Nozaki, she said that she wants to be always together with Nozaki. When she regretted her choice of words, she was afraid to be thought of as 思い子(おもいこ), which basically means spoiled or pampered child (lit. child of affection).

When Nozaki said Sakura coming over helped him because he didn't have to 'catch anyone', Sakura's thought was いつもは女の子連れ込み放題なの!!?. 連れ込む(つれこむ)means to bring someone to a place (連れる just means to bring along). 放題(ほうだい)means 'as much as one likes'. 食べ放題 is 'eat as much as you like', for example.

Sakura's job is to paint beta (black parts in manga). In Japanese, it's ベタを塗る. 塗る(ぬる)means to paint. 塗り潰す(ぬりつぶす)means to paint the (marked) area entirely. 潰す (to crush) can be added to some verbs to add extremity. For example, 押す is to push while 押し潰す is to squash.

Nozaki mentions that his work is 月刊誌で一応連載している. 月刊誌(げっかんし)is monthly magazine. 一応(いちおう)means tentatively. 連載(れんさい)means serialization.

The manga version differs on how Sakura found out about Nozaki's work. She was flipping over her shoujo manga magazine, mentioning that she only reads shoujo manga (i.e., she doesn't read other genres like shounen manga). Nevertheless, she tried searching for Yumeno Sakiko, Nozaki's pen name, quickly found it, and was surprised. In anime, she remembered the name Yumeno Sakiko on her way home and quickly rushed to her room.

Yumeno Sakiko is described as 繊細な心理描写と華やかな画面で大人気の作家. 繊細(せんさい)means delicate, subtle. 真理描写(しんりびょうしゃ)means psychological description. 華やか(はなやか)means gorgeous, brilliant. 作家(さっか)means author.

The next description is 乙女心を大切に描き、女の子の心の代弁者とも言われる. 乙女心(おとめごころ)is maiden's heart. 描く(えがく)means to depict. Note that it's the same kanji as 描く(かく)which means to draw. 代弁者(だいべんしゃ)is spokesperson.

More coming in the near future!

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